Monday, January 23, 2017

Help Your Clients Prepare for 2016 Tax Season

It’s almost time for Americans to begin filing their taxes for 2016. Are you ready to help your clients and answer all of their questions? provides plenty of resources to help you and your clients manage their tax filing and make the process easier. 

Your clients’ forms are easily accessible through the site, and they can also find out where to get free help with filing. Clients who took advantage of advance payments of the premium tax credit can also find resources to help them “reconcile” when they file their 2016 taxes.

Monday, January 2, 2017

David Decherd A-Fame Winner

We have now 10 A-Fame winners for the quarter on report. Our newest addition is David Mark Decherd. He now has 4 since we started A-Fame and 3 for this year.